Ecuador Client Visited ORIEMAC Office

Publication Date: 2023-07-03 Back

I initially contacted the client in early April, and at that time, we discussed their plan to visit our domestic factory for machine inspection by the end of June. However, due to the unavailability of the machine in stock, we mutually decided that the client would first visit our Shanghai headquarters and then inspect the machine once it's ready.

Last week, the client was in China, and their schedule allowed them to visit our company today. In the afternoon, I arranged transportation to pick up the client from their hotel and bring them to our office. Accompanied by our expert, Phyllis, I warmly welcomed and received the client. We provided a detailed introduction to our company's operations and thoroughly discussed the order specifications.

Upon concluding the meeting, we ensured the client's safe return to the hotel. To further strengthen our rapport, we extended an invitation for a dinner gathering. This not only provided an opportunity for a more relaxed conversation but also left a lasting positive impression. We value the client's interest in our offerings and anticipate the possibility of a fruitful collaboration soon.

Ecuador Clients Visited ORIEMAC Office Ecuador Clients Visited ORIEMAC Office