Explore the Causes and Solutions of Excavator Track Derailment

Publication Date: 2024-08-14 Back

On busy construction sites, excavators, as important construction equipment, their stable operation is crucial to the progress of the project. However, recently, excavator track derailment problems occur frequently. Not only affects the construction efficiency but also brings trouble to the operator. So, why do excavator tracks derail frequently? And how to quickly solve this problem?
The truth behind derailment often comes from a combination of factors: dirt, stones and other impurities in the external environment may intrude into the tracks, coupled with rugged road conditions. They result in uneven force on the tracks, thus triggering failures. In addition, the operator's skill is also a key factor, turning or walking when the operation error, may become the cause of derailment. At the same time, the balance of four wheels and one belt, the effectiveness of the tensioning system, the wear of the chain guard, the natural wear of the track and its components, and the wear of the drive motor gear ring all directly affect the stability of the track.
When faced with the plague of excavator track derailment, the bucket can be utilized for installation first. In the preparation stage, it is necessary to remove the chain hitting nozzle and release the grease to make the tracks slack. Then, according to the specific situation of track derailment, the bucket and traveling device are flexibly used to cooperate. If the track slips outward, the bucket can be used directly to push it to the guide wheel or drive wheel, and then rotate the drive wheel to complete the installation. If the track slides outward, it is necessary to pull it to the specified position with the aid of a wire rope. Throughout the process, it is necessary to ensure that the excess slack in the track is at the mounting place for ease of operation. After the guide and drive wheel positions are installed, the support wheel position can be accomplished by jacking up the idler track.
Another method is to utilize a steel pipe or shovel for installation. First of all, keep calm after discovering the derailment and put grease first to reduce the resistance. Then, locate a longer steel pipe or shovel as a tool at the construction site. Next, use the principle of leverage to gradually adjust the position of the track by applying force to the steel pipe through the bucket. Pay special attention to the chain at the sprocket wheel, and utilize the synergistic effect of the steel pipe and the bucket to gradually pull the track back to the right track. During the process, you need to carefully feel the occlusion of the track and wheel teeth, and adjust the bucket position at the right time.
Through the above methods, even in the face of tricky excavator track derailment problem, can quickly restore its normal operating state, so that your site production again on track.

Explore the Causes and Solutions of Excavator Track Derailment