ATTENTION PLEASE!! Avoid Being Scammed!!

Publication Date: 2024-09-11 Back

Recently, a Hong Kong scam account has been using the name ORIEMAC MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (Shanghai) CO., LTD to defraud customers with offers of goods at extremely low prices. Please be careful and beware of being deceived!

Important Points:

1. Official Registration: 

ORIEMAC MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (Shanghai) CO., LTD is registered only in Shanghai, China, and not in Hong Kong.

2. Scam Details: 

Six customers have already been defrauded. The scammer has also stolen the name of our employee. They attract customers with low prices, disappear after receiving the final payment, and their contact number is then canceled.

3. Actions Taken: 

We have reported the issue to the police and are taking legal action to protect our rights.

Official Website and Email:


DO NOT transfer money to unverified accounts. Protect your assets.

If you have any questions, please contact us through our official channels.

最近,有一个香港诈骗账户冒用ORIEMAC MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (Shanghai) CO., LTD.的名义,以极低的价格欺骗客户。请务必小心,避免受骗!


1. 官方注册信息: 

ORIEMAC MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT (Shanghai) CO., LTD.仅在中国上海注册,并未在香港注册。

2. 诈骗详情: 


3. 已采取措施: 


- 官方网站
- 官方邮箱:



ATTENTION PLEASE!! Avoid Being Scammed!!